Can Soccer Players Wear Earrings Covered With Tape? FIFA Law 4’s Explicit Answer!

soccer player wearing earrings on the field but Can Soccer Players Wear Earrings Covered With Tape?

Many folks have specific jewelry they desire to wear all the time for sentimental or fashion reasons. As a soccer player, you may know that jewelry is prohibited on the field but would covering them with tape suffice?

This article answers the question “Can Soccer Players Wear Earrings Covered With Tape?” We reveal what FIFA rules say in relation to the wearing of jewelry in general and whether covering them with tape is good enough to evade the referee’s attention.

We also discuss whether wearing other specific types of jewelry is possible on the soccer pitch. Let’s get started.

Can Soccer Players Wear Earrings Covered With Tape?

Soccer players cannot wear jewelry on the field because it may increase the risk of injuries to themselves and other players. Covering earrings with tape is unacceptable since players are not allowed to wear them in the first place.

Soccer is a high-contact sport and the risk of injuries could be much greater when players are allowed to wear jewelry. Not only can this put their lives and that of other players at risk but it may also inhibit game flow as players are forced to be taken off to undergo extended treatments for jewelry-related injuries.

Since such injuries are avoidable, why would players be allowed to wear jewelry like their favorite earrings or wedding bands when keeping them off can make everyone’s lives much easier?

What Do FIFA Rules Say About Wearing Earrings Covered With Tape?

The International Football Association Board rules on the wearing of earrings and other jewelry are explicit. According to Law 4 which is subtitled “The Player’s Equipment”, the following rules apply:

A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous.
All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands,
rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover
jewellery is not permitted.
The players must be inspected before the start of the match and substitutes
before they enter the field of play. If a player is wearing or using unauthorised/
dangerous equipment or jewellery the referee must order the player to:
• remove the item
• leave the field of play at the next stoppage if the player is unable or unwilling
to comply
A player who refuses to comply or wears the item again must be cautioned

The rules on jewelry are strict and leave no wriggle room. Referees will simply not allow you on the field of play with any sort of earrings. Failure to comply leads to getting cautioned. (Source)

Can Soccer Players Wear Taped Earrings During Practice?

Soccer players may wear taped earrings during training depending on the type of practice planned for the day and the coach in question. Players attend practice sessions multiple times a week to get themselves ready for the next game.

Not all sessions are contact-heavy and some coaches could allow taped earrings and jewelry for certain sessions. However, the earrings should be taped properly to prevent distractions from other players.

Risks of Wearing Earrings During Soccer

If you love wearing earrings or other jewelry, you may wonder why taking them to the playing field is such a big deal. Here are a few reasons not to wear jewelry to the soccer pitch as a player.

Getting Forcefully Pulled Out

bare-chested soccer player after earrings are forcefully pulled out

There’ll always be a risk of accidentally pulling out the worn earrings during challenges with opponents and unintentional clashes with teammates. For instance, collisions between teammates and opponents are common during aerial battles for attacking or defending setpieces.

This could result in a player’s earrings accidentally getting pulled out resulting in blood gushing out of the ear. The player may be forced off the pitch for several minutes as paramedics attend to the wound in an effort to stop the bleeding.

Piercing or Scratching A teammate or Opponent

Even taped earrings can cause injuries to other players during physical confrontations. Soccer involves a lot of tackling, blocking, and other forms of physical contact with teammates and opponents.

A player’s earrings could accidentally pierce or scratch another player resulting in serious injuries with a high risk of infections. If one player is battling a disease that may be transmitted via blood contact, earrings could increase the risk of infecting others.

Getting Caught In Jersey During Wearing or Removal

Wearing earrings to the playing field could increase the risk of the jewelry getting caught in a soccer player’s jersey. This may cause accidental ripping of the earrings out of the earlobe resulting in injuries and an increased risk of infections.

Earlobe trauma can be extremely painful and may take a few weeks to heal. Players could be forced to miss out on games during healing to minimize the risk of more infections.

Distracting Other Players On The Field

Earrings and body art have become popular among athletes and soccer is no different. However, they may be a source of distraction for yourself and other players on the field. Not only could those brand new diamond studs attract the attention of your opponents and teammates but it may also interfere with the ability to focus on your own game due to the anxiety of potentially losing the jewelry.

Soccer players need complete concentration during practice and game days. To expose your team to defeat because you were too scared to go for certain challenges or because your teammates were too busy admiring your earrings to concentrate can be a bitter pill to swallow.

Can Soccer Players Wear Nose Piercings To Play?

woman wears nose piercing but Can Soccer Players Wear Nose Piercings To Play?

Soccer players cannot wear nasal rings to the field because the same inherent risks apply. Nose rings may accidentally get pulled out during challenges with opponents and sometimes even teammates.

Referees will not allow players to take to the field with nasal earrings and attempts by players to bypass the rules could lead to warnings or even dismissals.

Can Soccer Players Wear Taped Wedding Bands To Play?

Soccer players are banned from wearing taped wedding bands during gameplay because it also falls under FIFA rules against playing with dangerous equipment. You might take pride in your wedding band or other sentimental rings but the soccer field is not the place for them.

You’ll have to decide whether playing or sitting out games is more important.


Soccer players cannot wear tape-covered earrings or any jewelry type covered with tape because it is expressly against the governing rules of the sport. FIFA rules directly ban dangerous equipment from the playing field and earrings are as threatening as they come.

Some coaches may allow players to train with earrings covered with tape but only during non-contact practice sessions. Players could be ordered to remove the earrings during contact-heavy training sessions.

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